So I’ve started playing at Full Tilt Poker .NET – the play chip site – and am starting over with a bankroll of 1000 again. After getting sucked out on a few times and losing my initial 1000 chips three times, I finally found a seat at a table that wasn’t filled with clowns and started to chip up.

One of the downsides to starting over is that you have to get lucky and survive the all-in attacks of the clowns at the low limit tables. These are people who don’t care about the game, they just like to go all in with any two cards and hope to luck out and double or triple up. Some of the hands I’ve seen just made me shake my head in disbelief… people calling with no pair and no draw, people going all in with nothing and hitting it, dominating hands losing to suck outs on the river, it’s madness for someone trying to get better. Madness I tell you!

Fortunately, the clowns seem to go away as the day progresses, and by evening I had found a relatively normal table to play at. I proceeded to chip up to just over 10k last night, a net profit of 7k.

Today I finally wised up and started playing slightly higher stakes, where the table buy-in is higher and thus there are fewer clowns running rampant. I started playing the 25/50 tables instead of the 5/10 tables, and have managed to build a bankroll of about 30k so far. The game play is much better at these slightly higher stakes, with more players taking the game more seriously, which is nice. I have two more hours to kill before heading north, so we’ll see how it goes…

Edit: Bankroll is up to 54k at the end of the day 🙂