So yesterday I received not great news. The courts waited the full 35 days to file an objection and now my team of doctors and I have to make a court date to go plead my case. Naturally, I’m disappointed in this turn of events, but I’ve come to expect such things to happen so it’s not really a surprise. It just sucks that now I have to continue to wait in limbo for an unknown length of time.

Details are scarce at this point, all we know is that there was an objection and we have to go to court. We don’t know the nature of the objection, who lodged it, when I’ll be able to resolve it, or really anything other than our next step. I’ll be meeting with the team to discuss strategies and to get more specifics as they become available.

Thank you to everyone who’s been so supportive of me, I know you’re disappointed too. All we can do at this point is plan and prepare for court. I’d like to say that I’m hopeful that it will be resolved soon, but I really have no idea, and have learned not to get my hopes up lest they be dashed at the eleventh hour. Let’s just keep our fingers crossed the situation can be resolved relatively quickly.