So your baby wants to get a motorcycle. As a Dad with 30+ years of riding experience, I feel compelled to tell him a few things:

1) He absolutely has to take a riding course before getting a bike. This course may be mandatory in your state to get the motorcycle endorsement on your driver’s license, if not it should be.

2) Always wear helmet and proper riding gear. An old saying goes, “There are two types of riders: those who have crashed, and those who will.” Thankfully, in my years of riding, I’ve only crashed twice. One was minor, the other not so much.

3) Protect yourself at all times. Double check for oncoming traffic. Double check your left. Spend as little time in driver blind spots as possible.

4) Always respect the machine. You control it, don’t be afraid of it, but remain constantly alert.

5) Have fun. Riding is one of life’s great joys. 🙂

You’re just being a mom and no mom that I know is thrilled at the prospect of her baby getting a motorcycle. The best you can do is hope he learns well and rides safely… think of it as the letting go point when he first learned to ride a bicycle without training wheels. You’re scared, he’s excited. There may have been some bumps along the way, but he can now ride a bicycle without thinking about it.