I had a pretty busy weekend, so I only played about 600 hands. Had a decent win rate – 13% – and capped off my weekend by taking out a serious LAG (Loose-Aggressive) player who was just donking chips off left and right. I lost a fairly big pot to her early in that session, maybe 20k, where I got my money in good with AQ vs A9 and she flopped two pair and turned a boat. Bad luck for me.

But I was patient, picked my spots, and eventually ran up a decent 90k stack. I limped pocket Kings (KK) knowing she would raise. She made it 2k and we got a couple callers before action returned to me. I raised the pot, making it about 10.5k to continue. She called and one other middle position player called putting him all in an me heads up with her. Flop came 10-7-2 so I led out, betting about 64% of the pot. She called. Turn came a five so I bet the pot, or about 40k. She raised me all in for 29k more and I happily called. She turned over Queen-Ten for top pair on the board, but I was way ahead with my pocket Kings. The river was another blank and I ended up winning about 190k in that hand alone. wooHOO! 🙂

Stats for the weekend are below for you data hounds:

Statistics for 600 Hands

Street Saw Saw/Total
Flop 247 41%
Turn 159 27%
River 102 17%
Showdown 61 10%
Street Won Won/Saw Won/Total
Pre-flop 2 0% 0%
Flop 9 4% 2%
Turn 18 11% 3%
River 15 15% 3%
Showdown 31 51% 5%