I’ve been forced to learn the lesson of patience quite a bit lately. My time at the hospital has mostly been spent waiting: waiting for privs, waiting for doctors, waiting for school, waiting for the courts. I’m doing everything I can to get out of there as soon as possible, but some things are just beyond my control. This bothers me, as I much prefer to be in control, as I think most do. But the fact of the matter is, I’ve done all I can do, and it is enough.

The waiting game has carried over to my poker play. Yesterday was a prime example. I played a 200 hand session, about 6 hours, and was card dead most of the time. I saw only 29% of flops, and played only 10 hands to the river. Of those, I won 56% and the session ended up being my most profitable yet on Full Tilt – I netted 200k on the day, a personal best since switching to the site. So again the lesson of being patient, waiting for my spots, and then striking when all the stars are aligned payed off. Positive reinforcement at work!

Had I been in a different mindset, more aggressive perhaps, I would have been playing more pots and maybe picking up more with bluffs, but my head just wasn’t in that space yesterday. So I just waited. I waited until I had the best of it, and capitalized on those scenarios. I may have left some value on the table, but I didn’t throw away any.

As in other spots in life, patience has its rewards. I’ve learned to be patient with my family, patient with my son, patient with those I’m forced to interact with every day due to my situation. And being patient, as a patient, is inherently self-referential too and gives my inner geek a bit of a giggle. 🙂