I’m sore, but in a good way. The way that lets you know you’ve been pushing your muscles beyond what they’re used to and causing growth – not too far a stretch given my recent activity levels. But soon will come the days when I miss the soreness, when pushing harder gets more difficult.

Tuesday I blasted chest medium hard, did some back work, and wrapped up with some twists. Yesterday morning my belt was a bit looser, always a good sign. I’ve noticed that, when I start doing twists and other ab work, my midsection tightens up rather quickly. Yesterday was shoulder day. I went to the gym more out of a sense of obligation than a desire to work out, and that’s exactly why I need a regular workout schedule: to force me to go when I don’t particularly feel like it. I now know that I have to go to the gym every weekday at lunch, so it’s becoming part of my routine. Today I’m looking forward to arm day – I always get some killer arm pumps when training them, and I dig seeing the vascularity start poppin’.

Yesterday I received the news that I didn’t get a position I had applied for, which is a bummer. I really thought I was a strong candidate, the job description read like my resume, and maybe I was overconfident about it. I didn’t even get to the second interview, which puzzles me a bit. The other position I’m interviewing for has been put on hold, so nothing much happening in the real job world.

I haven’t been playing much yet this week, been wrapped up in other things like hospital obligations, shopping for peers, training. But I will play later today now that I have some time I can dedicate to sitting down and playing seriously.