Archive for September, 2014

A Waiting Game

By the time you read this, it will be my big day: the day I hear back from the courts whether my Community Placement (CP) has been granted. It has already been approved by the hospital, but once it was submitted to the courts I’ve had to wait 35 days for them to file any objections. There has been no word so far, which is better than finding out there’s an objection, but the person who will verify there were no objections with the courts has been out on vacation and will be back today. So I wait. Again.

My CP has been “that which shall remain unspoken of” for over a month now. Partly out of some form of superstition, partly because, given the way things have gone for me, I’m still expecting something to go wrong and delay the process further. I can’t afford to get my hopes up because it hasn’t happened yet. I remain positive, confident that it will be approved, but without the confirmation I still have to deal with the nagging doubts that something unexpected will happen. I try to circumvent that by expecting the unexpected and hoping to be pleasantly surprised when nothing bad happens.

On another front, Wednesday is the day I meet with the doctors about ceasing my use of a CPAP machine. The CPAP is a facemask that I wear when sleeping that provides extra oxygen. They made me start wearing one back in December, even though it was borderline whether I actually needed one or not. Since then I’ve lost 50 pounds so I had them do another sleep study and initial results look good. I’m hoping that the consult with the doctor will result in my not having to use it any more. While it’s not the worst thing, I hate the idea of paying an extra $30 a month for something I don’t really need. If I was borderline in December, I should be good now. Even if I’m still borderline, I hope they’ll lift the requirement that I use it. I definitely prefer sleeping naturally.

The doc is also going to take a look at a skin tag I discovered on the back of my shoulder. Hopefully they’ll just be able to cut it off and life will go on.

That’s about it for the coming week. Big days ahead that I hope go really well for me. Fingers crossed! 🙂


For all you data lovers out there, here are some of the hand breakdowns for my sessions this holiday weekend. The sessions went well and would have been winners each and every time if I didn’t lose a few big pots.

My game is solid, I pick up pots pretty often when I stay past the flop, but I definitely made a couple calls that cost me my profitability on some big pots. That’s a leak I’m working on fixing, as it is a very expensive one. 🙂

The first session was pretty rocky, but the second and third were solid save those big losses. All in all, I’m even for the weekend, and I’ve identified and addressed a big issue in my play, so I’m calling it a win!

Statistics for 168 Hands

Street Saw Saw/Total
Flop 76 45%
Turn 39 23%
River 21 13%
Showdown 14 8%
Street Won Won/Saw Won/Total
Pre-flop 0 0% 0%
Flop 4 5% 2%
Turn 9 23% 5%
River 4 19% 2%
Showdown 7 50% 4%

Statistics for 135 Hands

Street Saw Saw/Total
Flop 83 61%
Turn 48 36%
River 25 19%
Showdown 16 12%
Street Won Won/Saw Won/Total
Pre-flop 2 1% 1%
Flop 12 14% 9%
Turn 15 31% 11%
River 4 16% 3%
Showdown 5 31% 4%

Statistics for 235 Hands

Street Saw Saw/Total
Flop 164 70%
Turn 88 37%
River 57 24%
Showdown 32 14%
Street Won Won/Saw Won/Total
Pre-flop 2 1% 1%
Flop 8 5% 3%
Turn 9 10% 4%
River 12 21% 5%
Showdown 12 38% 5%
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