Good news – my hard work and determination are paying off – I’ve been invited to do a third interview! I’ve made it through the initial consultation, then the tech interview, and now have the opportunity to meet the partner(s) that I’ll be working with if I get the position. I’m guessing this is the meeting that will give me much better insight into the guts of the company: where it is now and more important, where it wants to be in three, five years down the road. Time to learn about the business plan, company roadmap, and how we’re going to achieve results in both the near- and long-term.

I still don’t know corporate structure, haven’t met all the principals, and have a bunch of questions I’d like answered before moving on, but I’m willing to give it my all and do whatever it takes to make this opportunity a reality. I’m in a fantastic position personally because I have all the time, the energy, and the resources available to me that I might not have had if my situation were different. The position doesn’t require that I go into an office every day, so there’s a lot of flexibility as well. And I’m digging into code and learning some new skills along the way.

I feel excited, a bit like when working for my first startup, and it’s great to have that feeling back. There’s the fantastic potential of the company, the thrill of building something great, and the opportunity to work with a team of like-minded individuals towards fulfillment of a common goal. This excitement is tempered with the knowledge that nothing is certain and I still have a way to go in the process before I could expect an offer. That said, I think there’s a lot of potential in this one, especially from what I know of the team behind it, and I’m looking forward to taking the next steps to see where it leads.

Thank you all for your support along this journey, by now you know how much this would mean to me. And a special thanks to the baristas at the Starbucks I’ve been spending most of my time at lately. Their service is great, friendly, sometimes free, and their well-wishes are very nice.

Time to prep for Monday’s meeting! 🙂