I am writing today because I don’t feel like writing. This is one of the keys to success in just about any endeavor – the ability to push on doing the things you need to do even when you don’t feel like doing them. I believe it was Michael Jordan that said about being a professional basketball player, “Being a professional means doing the thing you love to do even when you don’t feel like doing it.” So I write.

I have several job opportunities I’m currently pursuing. Two are moving slower than I’d like, but such is life. I’m writing my emails, following up, asking questions, doing all that I can to move them along. But the next steps are dependent on other people and their schedules, so again I practice the thing I’ve become so good at recently: Patience.

I’m a man of action, a doer. I like getting things done. I like the sense of accomplishment from accomplishing my “Daily Wins“. Today has been a challenge to get things done. But I’ve kept moving forward, kept progressing, and take some sense of satisfaction in the small victories I’ve achieved today. Tomorrow bodes well, and I expect to continue progress on the new site I’m building then.

Yesterday was a great day, full of good news and accomplishments. Today it’s raining, any my energy has been off all day. I attribute it to the bunch of Red Vines I scarfed down yesterday – they were oh so tasty, but I think as I age I am becoming more susceptible to sugar hangovers. 🙂 Anyway, good things are ahead so on we go to the next day…