I’m doing everything I can, everything that’s being asked of me, and I have no other choice than to wait. I’m pursuing employment opportunities, which are moving along at a slower pace than I’d like. I’m doing some volunteer work for the Kids International Foundation: redesigning their web site (that I host too) and updating it to get it more socially connected. I have lunch meetings Thursday and Monday, one of which should at least lead to a contract gig. I’ve sent out follow-up emails to the companies I’m currently interviewing with and am awaiting their replies. I am hitting the gym, keeping the workout training moving along. I am eating well, still sticking around the 217 range – the workouts haven’t been intense or frequent enough to have an impact yet. I’m adding muscle and losing fat, so my weight is relatively constant. I’m spending time with my son on the weekends, going to his football games and doing some hanging out too. I’m spending good, quality time with my family.

All of these are good things, and I’m learning to take solace in the fact that, even though it doesn’t feel like I’m doing much, I am doing quite a bit of stuff after all. So I wait. Wait for people to get back to me. Wait for December to come. Wait for my date.

My new bestie is coming to visit from Boston next week, which will be a blast. We haven’t seen each other in decades, but have grown close via our daily chats for geez, what’s going on 10 months now. We have a few things planned, mostly revolving around food places to go – tacos, sushi, and the oldest restaurant in Denver – plus some hiking or driving and general scenery viewing and probably a visit to the gallery district. Another thing to look forward to! 🙂