For a guy who’s currently unemployed, I sure have a full schedule these days. I’m pursuing several different employment opportunities, all in various advanced stages (read: multiple interviews), including both full-time and contract work. I’m taking two classes – Foundations of Business Strategy from Darden School of Business at UVA and Game Theory from Stanford University – and I’m doing some volunteer work for the Kids International Foundation, a foundation I have sponsored for over a decade that provides help and aid to children living in orphanages.

These days my schedule hasn’t allowed much time to work out though. In order for me to train consistently, I need to do it at the same time every day – make it something I _have_ to do every day – and I’ve been lacking in that regard. This is why I prefer to train first thing in the day – get up, get it done, get on with the day. Unfortunately, my schedule just won’t allow that at this time.

My diet is still good, I’m not gaining or losing weight, but I’m falling behind in the competition with Greg about who can get sub-200 first. I’ve been stuck at 216 for weeks, while he’s at the fringe, trying to break through that 200 barrier. I’ve been forced to make other activities a priority these days, but I have not been a total slacker. I’m still getting a workout in about three times a week, which is just about the bare minimum for maintenance mode.

I’m also working on starting a new business. I already have the name, the web site, and the Twitter accounts set up. At this point, I’m going to start it as an LLC to channel my contractual work through and provide a layer of protection for me. Plus, I like being a business owner and, given my extensive startup experience, it seems like a good idea to have my own again. Sure, there are additional hurdles that come into play running a business vs. being a sole proprietor, but there are also tax advantages and it can look good on the ol’ resume too. Given that my expertise is best utilized by small- to medium-sized businesses, it can make things a lot simpler to do B2B transactions than B2Contractor. Stay tuned for updates, you can be sure to hear about it when it becomes official. πŸ™‚

I spent a good chunk of the weekend with family and friends. I met up with D for the USC vs. CU game at the Colorado USC Alumni get-together for the game at Blake Street Tavern and we had a fun time. It was great to see D – we hadn’t gotten together in months – and, despite USC crushing CU 56-28 πŸ™‚ , he had a good time too. I also got to witness history as Peyton Manning threw his record-breaking touchdown pass with my son and my dad. Oh, and Tom’s team won their game too. A great football weekend.