
I awoke naturally at 7:11 this morning, so it seems like my body clock needs me to go to bed at 11pm. I cheated and snoozed a bit, knowing that my alarm would go off in 20 minutes, I grabbed a few extra zees. 🙂

I had a little trouble going to sleep last night. I was excited about getting up and going spinning in the morning, plus I have an interview with a tech placement firm today, and I had had a particularly good evening play poker. That’s what I do in the evenings now. After a full day of work and working out, it’s nice to be able to kick back, relax, and challenge myself at the same time. Poker is very meditative for me, as I fold most of my hands, so there’s a lot of time for reflection while I wait for optimal spots to play. I’ve also stepped up my game, playing at the 1000/2000 level, and I find the players at that level are much better than at lower levels. It requires me to think, to calculate odds, to be mindful of when and where I choose to bluff. And I’m adapting to it – my game is getting better, more solid. If I were playing for real money, I would have made a million dollars last night. 🙂

This morning was all about getting on the spin bike. I got up and went to the gym, walked to the spin room in my socks, and set up the bike to fit me before putting on my new cycling shoes. (They have solid plastic soles with cleats and are very slippery to try and walk on floors in.) I had the spin studio to myself and fired up my new workout playlist to listen to while I started cranking away. I did foundation training, spinning at a steady rate, for most of the 30 minute session. I did do a couple standing climbs/intervals, just to get the feel for standing up and pedaling again and get my heart pumping a little harder. I considered taking the 9:30 spin class, but have that tech interview at 1pm and need to run an errand at noon, so I didn’t want to push things this morning.

Yesterday was about doing a bunch of client work, getting back up to speed on the site. I discovered an error in the code installation that requires me to set up FTP access for the developers to log in and investigate, and it took several hours to get the information I needed from the client, so much of yesterday afternoon was spent waiting. We finally connected and got the necessary info around 9pm last night, and today I get to deal with support tickets and that sort of fun before my interview. I also spent some time watching writing vids by Natalie Goldberg and a Creative Writing Master Class from Oxford University. I think I mentioned that I reconnected with the author, Barry, who’s going to collaborate with me to write the story of these past few years. Oh, and I’m going to be digging into code and getting those skills current after my interview later today. Working and learning is where it’s at these days… 🙂