I had a client meeting this morning where we went over the web site work I’ve been doing for him for the past few months, and it looks like everything I’ve done, for very little money, has been for naught. I’ve migrated his site from Joomla to WordPress, integrated Jreviews after much dealing with their support, and now it appears that we have to go back to the Joomla site. This is very frustrating. All the work I’ve done, all the hours I’ve put in, looks like it may have been for nothing. Sigh.

Yesterday I went to Spur*, an espresso bar with communal workspaces, to get out of the house and into a go-to-the-office mode. It was a nice place, with a cool vibe, but its coffee was overpriced and only gave one free refill. I drink a lot of coffee when I work and I don’t think it’s going to be financially viable for me to go there as a regular office space. They also didn’t have any real food, just some pastries. It looks like I may have to resort to going to my local Starbucks again. At least they give free refills and have some comfy chairs. I’m finding myself a bit reluctant to do it though, probably because it will remind me of my time in Pueblo. Still, I may just have to do that to get out of the house on a regular basis. It is conveniently located, and there are good food options right there, I just need to get my head around the concept and move forward with it.

I need to write another post for Otaku. Right now I’m thinking of making it on how to grow follower counts in Twitter, as that’s what I’ve been spending a lot of time doing this past year. One of my goals for the year is to blog a lot more there about design, development and social media. Really build up a content base to help reinforce my expertise in these areas and make the site a worthy destination for others seeking information. Right now the home page is the “About” page, but I’ll switch it to the blog page once I get some more posts up.

I just got off the phone with Josh, the tech recruiter guy I interviewed with last week, and he has a Javascript developer position that he’s sending me the work req on. The pay is okay, not great, and it’s a nine month contract rather than a permanent position, but it could be a good stepping stone back into the working world and good Javascript front end experience too. I’m curious to see what they’re looking for in terms of Javascript expertise, and I’ll likely have to do some tutorial work to learn the framework they’re using, but that’s pretty much par for the course these days. Ya gotsta do whacha gotsta do.