I just returned from a productive meeting with my old boss. We sat in the atrium at the DTC Marriott and chatted for about 90 minutes about his business idea, Social Media and UI integration, and next steps moving forward. Things are starting to pop! There’s a lot of opportunity starting to become available, and we’re going to tap into that and try to make some bank along the way.

There was no need to sell him on the importance of a Social Media plan or strategy, that’s what he came to me for in the first place. The UI work is more of an added bonus on how I can contribute to the venture. So it would seem I have a new job now. There’s no pay at the moment, but it is the opportunity to get in on the ground floor for what could become a good, profitable business – with ownership. And it gives me a real reason to get to work, to expand my skills and apply my expertise – if nothing else, it’s good resume material. Add to that the contacts he has in the consulting business and his connections with large media companies and there are other opportunities in the pipeline as well.

I’ll post more specifics about the company when we’re ready to launch to the public, right now things are in private beta and, while there is no official NDA in place, we need to be careful about releasing details before we go into public beta, which should be in about two months. It’s a good fit all around, it’s the type of work I want to be doing, and I’m looking forward to getting to work on the project.

This will also give me cause to get out of the house and go to my other “office”, the local Starbucks, on a daily basis once things get underway. Right now I’m figuring that it will be next week before I get to start the real work. The rest of this week will be getting things in place, administrative tasks, account setups, email addresses, etc. My laptop is configured and ready to rock; I’ve spent much of the last year working from it. I still prefer working from my workstation, as I’m a bit of a keyboard size snob and really don’t care for typing on the laptop – or using its trackpad instead of a mouse, but such are the sacrifices one must make to move forward. šŸ˜‰

I’ll need to brush up on responsive web design so that the site can continue to be mobile-ready. It’s been a few years since I’ve coded specifically for mobile and a lot has changed in the interim. Still, it’s just a matter of implementation rather than a whole new learning curve. I’ve done it before, I’ll do it again. Hello YouTube!