
It’s been a good couple days in the gym this week. On Tuesday I trained chest and back, yesterday I did legs, and today I hit shoulders. Since I discontinued, I’m going to start posting my workouts here to keep track of them and my progress. I bought a journal today so I can track my sets/reps and food intake – and today at the gym I got my body composition tested, so I have a good baseline to work from. I have 10 weeks until my vacation – the rest of March is going to be spent lifting hard, going for strength and packing on as much size as I can in a few short weeks. Then April will be add cardio to the mix to try and drop some of the extra fat I’ve accumulated. I lost 57 pounds last year, but have put 10 back on since early December. Some of that gain is muscle, as I have been training, but I’m sure there’s some fat in there too. It seems to be mainly accumulating on my stomach, as my arms are still pretty vascular. I’m nowhere near as fat as I was, but I still have a way to go to be satisfied. So without further ado, here’s today’s workout.

Weight: 224, Body Fat: 26%


Superset dumbbell raises, front + side
17.5 x 8/8,8/6
15 x 8/5,8/4,8/4

Dumbell shrug
45 x 12, 55 x 12, 65 x 12/10/10

Bar twist, 15#
25, 25

My bod is feeling pretty snug from this week’s exercise, and I had a good pump going today.