I was pressed for time and still feeling a bit sore tonight, so I opted for my cheater SS “workout”. I soaked in the hot tub for 20 minutes and sat in the steam room for 10 minutes. I’ve worn a HRM (Heart Rate Monitor) into both in the past and learned that the heat elevates my heart rate into Zone 1 of aerobic level, i.e. “light aerobic activity.” So that is why I call it a cheater workout – I can just sit and relax and let the heat elevate my heart rate as if I was going on a walk. Granted, there is close to zero muscular involvement, so it is not real exercise, but I find that it still burnt about 200 calories and more importantly gets the blood pumping and helps flush the system.

Tomorrow is dead lift day. I plan to go heavy and really get a full body training load on. I’ll be going late morning, which should give my body time to wake up and get moving enough to be ready for the heavy loads I’ll be lifting. Then, after I’m done working out, I have a massage scheduled. That’ll be great to work the remaining lactic acid out of my muscles and prepare the bod for the week ahead.

GREAT NEWS!! I just got an email from Apple inviting me back to do a second interview!!! wooHOO!! They want me to come in Wednesday, which is my son’s birthday, so I’m going to give them a call to see if we can pick another date. If not, it looks like I’ll have to have a private birthday party with Tom another time. I may do that anyway, as I plan on sitting down with him and having a father-son coming-of-age talk – just showing him how much I love him, how proud I am, and offering some guidance for the coming years.