Deadlifts today. I had planned on going heavy today, but my knees were creaking a bunch, so I opted to stay light and stick with 135 for the session. 

It was good to lift something that required a bit of effort, and I concentrated on feeling my muscles contract all the way through each rep, being careful not to get in the “this is heavy” mindset that might prove counterproductive. I felt the tension pulling through my shoulders, down my back, and into my quads and hammies. It was a good feeling. I finished up with a few sets of curls to flush the arms a bit.

Weight: 216


135 x 8/8/8/8/8

Barbell curls

45 x 10/14/10



After working out, I had a 60 minute massage. SO nice. Ani rubbed out my whole body, flushing out the lactic acid that had built up and remained in my muscles. I was stiff and sore heading in, and feel 100% better now – loose as a goose and ready to rock, yet comfortable and relaxed too.