Today was shoulder day – one of my favorite muscle groups to train. It seems like no matter how weak the rest of my body is, my shoulders have always been strong. They are also pretty defined, with clear straitions when I’m lifting and oh how they burn with lactic acid during hard efforts.

I started off with dumbbell shrugs and decent weights. I don’t think I’ve held 75 pound dumbbells much before and, while my shoulders had no problems with the weight, my grip strength was tested. After blasting my traps with the shrugs, I switched to a superset of front and side dumbbell lifts, with vastly lighter weight – 15s – and strained to get many reps per set. Total training to failure, maximizing stimulation and facilitating growth. I ended the session with some medball twists and a quick soak. A good day at the gym!

Weight: 219.8


Dumbbell shrugs – 55 x 15, 75 x 10/10/10/10

SS dumbbell raises, F/B – 15 x 10/10, 8/6, 8/6, 6/5

Medball twists, 16# – 25/25/25