
Also known as, “How Bob Got His Butt Kicked”…

So I tried my first Zumba class today. Eleven o’clock on a Saturday, I was warmed up and ready to rock. I got there about 15 minutes early to stretch and warm up a bit before class started. As I stood there loosening up, the studio gradually filled with more and more women. I realized I was the only man. What started as about 30 other women gradually grew to about 70 by the first few minutes of class.

Lot’s of dancing, lots of movement. I felt like I had two left feet and immovable arms, trying to mimic the instructor on the stage in front. (I was in the back.) Still, I got my boogie on and did great for the first 10 minutes or so. Then we dipped into some serious quad straining movements and I started struggling. It didn’t take long for all the rhythm to disappear from my body as my legs screamed and I tried to keep step. And I didn’t know the dance moves. Looking back, I think I will focus on whomever is directly in front of me and mimic her steps rather than try to mirror the instructor.

I did get my boogie on, shaking my booty and rocking my hips in time, spinning around (often in the wrong direction) – no doubt about it, I am a total noob at this. We were doing lots of bouncy squats, lots of movement keeping the legs bent close to parallel, and I felt myself dipping less further down as we continued.

After 15 minutes, I was ready to roll up in a ball and massage my quads. I thought to myself, “There’s no way I’m only doing a quarter of the class” and pushed myself to keep going. But, after five more minutes, my legs were shaking so badly I decided to stop. I only lasted the first 20 minutes of class. Hehe

After stumbling out of the studio, I took about 10 minutes to stretch my legs and felt the lactic acid finally start to diminish. Legs are the biggest muscle group in the body and, as expected, burn the most when that lactic acid builds up. Clearly, my aerobic condition is lacking since my body couldn’t flush out the acid fast enough for me to keep going.

All that said, it was a fun class and I’m going to go back again. Next time I’ll see if I can make it to 30 minutes! I finished things up with a ten minute soak. Now, two hours later, my thighs are throbbing and twitching a little bit still.

Weight: 218.2


Zumba: 20m
Soak: 10m