
It’s been a busy week so far. I’ve been working, training, going to groups, having meetings, and doing lunch, among other things.

I guess I’ll start off with the biggest news of the week: I heard back from Apple. Bad news. I didn’t get the position. It was nice of them to give me a call to let me know. Jason explained that the positions were very competitive and that a lot of people were interviewing for them, but didn’t give me any real reason why I didn’t make it past the second interview. Sigh. Oh well, such is life. Time to move on, redouble my efforts, and get back to work.

Speaking of work, the social media and web work I am doing for my old boss, Jean-Paul, and his company, Billistic is going well. This week the Twitter account blew up! We had added about 275 followers in the first month of activity, then added over 100 on Tuesday alone. It’s a curious thing, as I’m left wondering a little bit about what prompted the surge in activity, but I have some ideas and the trend is continuing, so we’re quite happy. Follow along at @Go_Billistic.

Working out is going very well. I’m down 4.4 pounds since Sunday. I’m getting stronger and leaner, which is what I’m doing all the working out for. I’ve started using a couple apps to track progress, and finally seem to have figured out how to get MyFitnessPal to post to my Facebook page. Poor app design, as it turns out – the updates I’m doing on the app aren’t triggering it to post to my wall. The workaround is to do my morning weigh-in and evening diary completion online, then it posts.

Oh, and I joined the 21st century, and created an instagram account. My username there, as well as most places now, is imagin8orr. I’ve only posted a few pics so far, but I like the app and can see myself posting a lot more in the future. I’m a shutterbug at heart and instagram is a great app for sharing pics.