Archive for the ‘Misc.’ Category

Spring Cleaning

It’s been a long winter, but Spring is springing and I’ve been catching up on all the stuff I haven’t had time to take care over the winter. Checking items off the myriad “to-do” lists and getting it done.

Coming off a rest day after a week of training in the books for my first century (100 mile) bicycle ride June 5; eager for the two-hour training ride scheduled later today. (Training log and details will be on my fitness blog as soon as time permits.)

Last weekend I also de-winterized “Snarl” (below) and got a nice 30 minute cruise in before the latest cold front blew in. Looking forward to more ride-able weather later this week.


Off to watch the markets and hopefully get some much-needed sleep.

More soon… be well!

Opportunity Knocks

Make a study of excellence and learn the lessons others’ efforts and experience provide.

Great ideas are a dime a dozen, but one must choose a course and act, lest those great ideas fade – or worse, are realized by others.

Greet challenges with vigor, for your responses will define your life’s path.

Are you ready to step up?

Decision Making

“Any individual decisions can be badly thought through, and yet be successful, or exceedingly well thought through, but be unsuccessful, because the recognized possibility of failure in fact occurs.

But over time, more thoughtful decision-making will lead to better overall results, and more thoughtful decision-making can be encouraged by evaluating de decisions on how well they were made rather than the outcome.”

– Robert Rubin

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