Archive for the ‘Tech’ Category

TED: How Great Leaders Inspire Action

Great TED talk by Simon Sinek: How great leaders inspire action

Getting Dirty

The CEO I met with on Monday wants to continue the process, and I have a technical review scheduled with one of his advisors for tomorrow afternoon. Woot! So I’m diving into code today, flexing those muscles, reconfiguring computers, installing web servers, digging deep into the recesses of my mind to recall ancient DOS commands, writing new bits, running Apache on a Windoze machine heheh. Good stuff!

The company’s code is mostly PHP and Javascript, technologies I have a ton of experience with. Unfortunately, most of the work I’ve done has been for companies I’ve worked for in the past and as a result, the companies have the code samples I’d need to really shine. It’s far easier to keep and maintain a portfolio of graphic creations than a working code base. So today and tomorrow will be spent reviving some of my old projects, things my business partner and I worked on for months at a time and are pretty polished. I will spend some time seeing if it can be easily revived or if my time would be better spent creating something new. Oh, and I’ll be grabbing a new domain to develop on – one that I’ll use for the consulting business I’ll likely be starting soon.

It’s go time!

New Beginnings

After last week’s disappointing turnout, this week started off on the right foot. I had an lunch meeting/interview with the CEO of a local startup. They’re an advertising company that has been slowly progressing the last three years as they’ve built out their prototype and assembled a top-quality team. They’ve done as much as they could on their own, and are now looking to bring in a technical person to do the heavy lifting. That’s where I come in.

I’ve spent most of my working life building companies – many startups, some mid-stage ones, and even a couple well-established firms. And I’ve run my own business for years too. Throughout it all, I’ve learned the ins and outs of growing businesses. What works and what does not. If things go well, I will bring my expertise to this new venture and help the team take it to the next level.

Entrepreneurs have to be comfortable wearing many hats. In small companies, there simply aren’t the staff on hand to delegate tasks out all over the place – if something needs to get done, often the best and fastest solution is to jump in and do it yourself. This is where I excel. With my media, design, and development background, I’m comfortable wearing many hats and I really enjoy getting to stretch my various skills out. When I get stuck in one area, or just need a change, there’s always something else that needs to be done that I can do. Often just switching tasks improves the result of the initial task as the mental switching allows the subconscious to process things in the background.

It’s still early in the process, so I won’t say more about the opp at this time. Too many unknowns at this point, but I will say it looks promising. Rest assured, I will be updating you all if and when this opportunity becomes a reality. 🙂

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