Archive for the ‘Training’ Category

Chest and Back Day


After two days “off” from the gym, I returned today to hit chest and back. I say “off” because, while I didn’t lift for two days, I did go to the gym and do my cheater workouts – sitting and soaking in the hot tub and spending time in the sauna. Even though my muscles weren’t activated, my heart rate was at low-intensity aerobic levels while I was sitting, so it counts for something. Good recovery time at least, and recovery is just as important as training.

I went to lift chest last night, but the gym was crazy busy. Every single chest machine had someone on it, and many had people waiting too. I wasn’t really in the mood for strenuous effort, let alone waiting any longer for it, so I opted to soak instead.

Today I hit the sweet spot, 4pm. Early enough that the post-work crowd wasn’t there yet, late enough that my body had been up and moving all day. I had a great session, pushed and pulled some serious iron, and felt really good about it after. I’ve been steadily gaining weight the past few days which, given my caloric intake hasn’t increased dramatically, I attribute to water gain and hopefully lots of new muscle too. When I do a bodyfat assessment on Friday, I’ll have a better idea of what the weight really is.

Weight: 220.2


Decline Press – 90 x 12, 180 x 6, 140 x 7/5, 90 x 8
Pec Flyes – 60 x 6, 50 x 8/7/7/5
Front Lat Pulldown – 80 x 10, 100 x 6/6/6/4
Cable Row – 100 x 6/6/6/6/6

While I’m still not going heavy, I’m starting to move some good poundages. I was stoked that I put up 180 for six on bench, that’s the most I’ve been able to do in a long time – perhaps the most I’ve lifted in years. And I got an amazing back pump cranking those pulleys. My strength seems to be returning pretty quickly, and hopefully muscle memory will quickly get some size back too. I will take measurements this week so I’ll have a more complete data set to assess progress. Despite the weight gain, I’m still seeing good definition in my arms and shoulders, and my pants aren’t getting any tighter, so it seems I’m gaining it in the right places.

In addition to my protein shakes, I’ve been taking creatine for several days now. I’m close to finishing the first week loading phase, where I take 5g of it four times a day. Creatine packs more water into the muscles, increasing power, size and recovery. It just works, and could be a big part of the reason I was able to bench more today. I also picked up some HMB, a calcium metabolite, that aids in muscle growth and recovery. I’m typically very cautious about supplement claims, but these two are backed by good research and really work for me.

It feels great to be back in the gym, moving that iron again. I don’t feel so weak any more. I have more energy during the day, and my bod is starting to tighten up and feel more athletic again. Fitness is such a big part of my life, and it’s treatment for me too – it helps activate genes, balance neurotransmitters, and generally improves my mood. It’s important to do things every day that make you feel good, and for me that is training. I may not feel like going, I may be tired or sore or achy, but I always get a sense of accomplishment after going to the gym. No matter what else happens on a particular day, I can take a daily win from going to the gym and getting some sort of workout in.


Deadlifts today. I had planned on going heavy today, but my knees were creaking a bunch, so I opted to stay light and stick with 135 for the session. 

It was good to lift something that required a bit of effort, and I concentrated on feeling my muscles contract all the way through each rep, being careful not to get in the “this is heavy” mindset that might prove counterproductive. I felt the tension pulling through my shoulders, down my back, and into my quads and hammies. It was a good feeling. I finished up with a few sets of curls to flush the arms a bit.

Weight: 216


135 x 8/8/8/8/8

Barbell curls

45 x 10/14/10



After working out, I had a 60 minute massage. SO nice. Ani rubbed out my whole body, flushing out the lactic acid that had built up and remained in my muscles. I was stiff and sore heading in, and feel 100% better now – loose as a goose and ready to rock, yet comfortable and relaxed too.

SS “Workout”


I was pressed for time and still feeling a bit sore tonight, so I opted for my cheater SS “workout”. I soaked in the hot tub for 20 minutes and sat in the steam room for 10 minutes. I’ve worn a HRM (Heart Rate Monitor) into both in the past and learned that the heat elevates my heart rate into Zone 1 of aerobic level, i.e. “light aerobic activity.” So that is why I call it a cheater workout – I can just sit and relax and let the heat elevate my heart rate as if I was going on a walk. Granted, there is close to zero muscular involvement, so it is not real exercise, but I find that it still burnt about 200 calories and more importantly gets the blood pumping and helps flush the system.

Tomorrow is dead lift day. I plan to go heavy and really get a full body training load on. I’ll be going late morning, which should give my body time to wake up and get moving enough to be ready for the heavy loads I’ll be lifting. Then, after I’m done working out, I have a massage scheduled. That’ll be great to work the remaining lactic acid out of my muscles and prepare the bod for the week ahead.

GREAT NEWS!! I just got an email from Apple inviting me back to do a second interview!!! wooHOO!! They want me to come in Wednesday, which is my son’s birthday, so I’m going to give them a call to see if we can pick another date. If not, it looks like I’ll have to have a private birthday party with Tom another time. I may do that anyway, as I plan on sitting down with him and having a father-son coming-of-age talk – just showing him how much I love him, how proud I am, and offering some guidance for the coming years.

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