Posts Tagged ‘perspective’

“What in the Wide, Wide World of Sports is Going on Here?”


There has been some pre-launch curiosity surrounding the announcement of The So-Called Salad Days last week.  Let us set some context for you and share a bit about what we have in mind for this project.

I made a suggestion that Christine and I set aside a bit of time each week to work on a creative project together. We discussed a few options, and ultimately decided that we wanted to write a blog together. The plan is to pick a topic, each write a few paragraphs, and post them as a single article. A bit of “He Said, She Said”, a bit of Pacific Rim “drift”, a free association wandering of sorts, with obligatory movie quotes thrown in for good measure. If you are a movie buff, we challenge you to see if you can identify the source for each reference.

Our first official post will hit the Interwebs tomorrow night, in celebration of the change of seasons and of course, All Hallows’ Eve. Please come on back here and check it out – it won’t disappoint!

Introducing… The So-Called Salad Days

Greetings and salutations!

And now for something completely different.  This is the humble announcement of a new joint venture, The So-Called Salad Days.  A bit of me,  a bit (more) of her and a full tossed salad as a result.

Stay tuned for more details!

Bob & Christine 😀

A Lot Can Change In Two Years


Two years ago today, an old friend reconnected with me on Facebook. I was going to school in Pueblo at the time, had just returned to Facebook after an extended absence, and we started chatting off and on during my breaks from class. Soon, we were chatting every day. We shared movie quotes, challenges, questions, stories, and laughter – day after day after day. We became besties. We connected on so many levels it quickly became a running joke that we shared the same mind: We.Are.The.Same.

Who knew back then what would transpire during the following two years? Neither of us dreamt that things would develop as they did, that we would continue growing closer and closer, become such integral parts of each other’s lives, and eventually a couple. We have been there for each other through some of the greatest challenges life could throw at us, rooting and supporting one another as we each found our own way through those difficult times. From the beginning, we spoke with #nofilter and shared our vulnerabilities, dreams, and our beasts.

I have seen you blossom during this time – growing, changing, recovering, healing, celebrating, embracing, and learning to trust anew. I knew you had it in you, and it fills me with joy to see you actualizing your potential. You never were one to back away from a challenge. Your caring, passion, persistence, tenacity, and willingness to do what needs to be done resonates with my soul.

Thank you, Christine. I appreciate you more than I could ever say. You truly are an exceptional woman and I am so grateful that you choose to share so much of yourself with me. You have brought not only new hope to my life, but new perspectives and new challenges. You cracked the code – you noodled, and puzzled, and queried, and figured out how to slip through my defenses and access the core of my being. Nobody has done that before. Nobody. You didn’t run away, instead you found a way to nestle your heart up right next to mine. We are connected in body, mind, and heart. You accept and love me for who I am, just as I accept and love you for who you are. Te amo…

What will the future bring for us edge dancers? I don’t know. What I do know is that I intend to spend as much of it with you as I can, my love.


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