Posts Tagged ‘ramblings’

“What in the Wide, Wide World of Sports is Going on Here?”


There has been some pre-launch curiosity surrounding the announcement of The So-Called Salad Days last week.  Let us set some context for you and share a bit about what we have in mind for this project.

I made a suggestion that Christine and I set aside a bit of time each week to work on a creative project together. We discussed a few options, and ultimately decided that we wanted to write a blog together. The plan is to pick a topic, each write a few paragraphs, and post them as a single article. A bit of “He Said, She Said”, a bit of Pacific Rim “drift”, a free association wandering of sorts, with obligatory movie quotes thrown in for good measure. If you are a movie buff, we challenge you to see if you can identify the source for each reference.

Our first official post will hit the Interwebs tomorrow night, in celebration of the change of seasons and of course, All Hallows’ Eve. Please come on back here and check it out – it won’t disappoint!

Introducing… The So-Called Salad Days

Greetings and salutations!

And now for something completely different.  This is the humble announcement of a new joint venture, The So-Called Salad Days.  A bit of me,  a bit (more) of her and a full tossed salad as a result.

Stay tuned for more details!

Bob & Christine 😀

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