Posts Tagged ‘success’

The Sweet Smell


Tourney time!

Session Two, Game Three

I made my first league final table last week, finishing in eighth, and scoring my first point of the season. My goal for this game was not just to make the final table again, but to come in with enough chips to be able to play. Last week I was handicapped, limping in to the final table with only enough chips to pick two cards and hope to double up a few times to survive.

In preparation for better league play, I started playing higher limits and six-handed on Full Tilt over the weekend. My win rate skyrocketed from a typical 13% to 36%, and I was cleaning up. It wasn’t just getting good cards – it was taking advantage of perceived weakness, being aggressive, taking more time to think before acting, and making good decisions. I decided to use the same approach with league play this week.

I was dealt ladies the very first hand and took it down without much resistance, despite an ace flopping. I proceeded to bet and raise my good hands, even pulled off a bluff or two, and built a decent stack.

Then things changed. I had a run of bad beats that crippled me. I was down to one $500 chip. Fortunately, I tripled up and then pentupled up before the rebuy period ended, and I saved myself some cash. The second catch put me in great shape, and I was chip leader at the table heading in to the break.

Table chip leader at the break

After the break, we were down to 13 players from the original 20. Blinds were getting bigger, and play was tightening up as we approached the final table bubble. Points are only awarded at the final table – 11 for first, down to one for eighth and ninth places.

After a few more bust outs, we were down to the final nine. We moved to the fina table, drew for seats, and sat down to play. There were a couple short stacks who had eked their way in, and at least three others with comparable stacks to mine.

Play got more aggressive as the short stacks busted out, and soon the blinds were 1500/3000. I had Q-10 in the cutoff, made a standard raise, and was only called by the big bling. The flop came K-J-3 and the BB checks. Normally I would have made a continuation bet, as I had been successfully doing all night, but I had a strong draw and opted to take a free card. The turn comes a nine, making my straight, and the BB goes all-in in front of me for 14k. I check my cards to make sure I have the straight, call, and knock him out. Now I am definitely the big stack at the table, and were down to five players.

My big chip lead allowed me to sit back and wait for premium hands as the others battled it out. I called two all-ins, won the hands, and eliminated players from the table. When we got down to three, I sat back and let the two short stacks battle it out, until only one remained.

All the chips!

Wow! Not only did I make it further than ever before in league play, but now I’m heads-up for the game. My opponent showed that he was looking to double up or go out quickly, going all-in in the first three hands, regardless of whether I called or raised him first. Fourth hand, I get A-9, and he is first to act, changing it up and making a standard raise. I shove all-in over his raise, and he calls with two undercards. The flop comes J-4-4 missing him, and then I turn a 9 – securing the win and scooping all the chips! 😀

Not only did I play well, I got good cards, and got lucky a few times. However, I was only ever all-in when I was down to my last $500, I wasn’t at risk of busting the whole night. I started strong, kept playing well, making smart decisions, and dragging many pots. A great night!

On Persistence


“At the core of every true talent there is an awareness of the difficulties inherent in any achievement, and the confidence that by persistence and patience, something worthwhile will be realized.”

— Eric Hoffer
(from the book, “Influencer”)

How Do You Like Them Apples?


So I had submitted my resume and applied for the positions at Apple. My research had me thinking that it was going to be a fairly lengthy hiring process, with probably months of time elapsing, so I had my head wrapped around the concept that it would take probably three months for things to happen, if they did at all, with Apple. Boy was I wrong!

On Friday, I made up my mind to apply for a position with Apple. On Saturday, I went to the local Apple Store and met with the Store Leader, and filled out my application online. On Sunday morning I went to church with my sister, brother-in-law, and niece. As we were driving there I brought them up to speed on my Apple intentions and Deb said they’d pray for me. After a lovely service, I paused to greet the Reverend. I had been a frontrunner for a Communications Specialist position with the church a few months prior, so she knew a bit about my search for work. I told her that I had just applied for a job with Apple and asked her to pray for me, which she warmly agreed to do. As I walked out, Deb was smiling at me and I said, “I’m pulling out all the stops to make this happen! Can’t hurt to have God on my side too. 🙂 ”

We went out to a nice breakfast, as is our usual post-church procedure, and then I went home. Just as I was logging into my computer to continue watching Season Three of House of Cards, my iPhone chirped with a new gmail announcement – it was from Apple. It was titled, “Robert meet Apple, Apple meet Robert.” The email asked me back to the Apple Store for an interview tonight! Talk about fast moving – there I was, expecting it to take some time, as these things usually do. Not only did it happen quickly, but they contacted me the very next day – a Sunday, no less – to schedule an interview for the following day. BAM!

So today is all about preparing for the interview. I have some other obligations – therapy, work, and working out – but the bulk of my time is going to be spent online getting up to speed and researching all I can about Apple Stores and processes. I’m doing everything in my power to manifest this opportunity and not let it slip away. Thanks for the well-wishes and support. They’re working so far, keep em coming! I’ll keep you posted… 🙂

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