Posts Tagged ‘tech’

Getting Dirty

The CEO I met with on Monday wants to continue the process, and I have a technical review scheduled with one of his advisors for tomorrow afternoon. Woot! So I’m diving into code today, flexing those muscles, reconfiguring computers, installing web servers, digging deep into the recesses of my mind to recall ancient DOS commands, writing new bits, running Apache on a Windoze machine heheh. Good stuff!

The company’s code is mostly PHP and Javascript, technologies I have a ton of experience with. Unfortunately, most of the work I’ve done has been for companies I’ve worked for in the past and as a result, the companies have the code samples I’d need to really shine. It’s far easier to keep and maintain a portfolio of graphic creations than a working code base. So today and tomorrow will be spent reviving some of my old projects, things my business partner and I worked on for months at a time and are pretty polished. I will spend some time seeing if it can be easily revived or if my time would be better spent creating something new. Oh, and I’ll be grabbing a new domain to develop on – one that I’ll use for the consulting business I’ll likely be starting soon.

It’s go time!

LinkedIn Win

LinkedIn hit 100 million members this week and co-founder Reid Hoffman did a proper solid by sending out a thank you email to the early adopters:

“I want to personally thank you because you were one of LinkedIn’s first million members (member number 43[****] in fact!). In any technology adoption lifecycle, there are the early adopters, those who help lead the way. That was you.”

It’s a nice gesture from a company that hasn’t thrown out what made it so successful like so many other techs have. Keep it up LinkedIn and continued good luck!

Being one of the first 440k users is kinda kewl too. 🙂

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