Posts Tagged ‘update’

Great News!


All that work paid off, and I start my new job on Friday! I was hired as the UI Developer for Cliintel, a big data analytics company primarily serving the cable and telecom industries. The company has been around for 15 years and is solid, unlike many of my previous gigs. They already have some impressive tools, my job will be to come in and make them sexy, bringing a new level of design and functionality to their systems.

One of the biggest attractions of the position, apart from the stability of a “real” job at a real company, is the opportunity to work closely with a tight-knit team creating cool stuff. One of the things I loved about most of my previous positions was the ability to work together with teams, bouncing ideas around, getting immediate feedback, coming up with new ideas. The creative process is greatly enhanced when there are several people offering input.

So this week I’ll be busy wrapping up loose ends, finishing client work and running errands, all so I can be fully prepared to hit the ground running come Friday. My family took me out to a celebration dinner last night at Del Frisco’s steakhouse, and boy was that filet mignon extra tasty! 🙂

Thank you to all of you who have been so supportive of my efforts – your input and support have really made a difference and I’m so happy to be able to share this great news with all of you. Until next time, stay strong and have a great day!

MyFitnessPal, Legs & Update


Leg day again. Already?? Yes, I’m hitting the full body twice a week now, so this was the second time doing squats this week. I changed up my routine to Monday, Thursday doing chest and back, hitting legs Tuesday, Friday, and cardio on Wednesday, Saturday. I’m definitely stepping up the amount of work I’m doing each week, and I can feel the difference on the bod.

I’ve started tracking my diet and workouts using MyFitnessPal instead of posting here daily. You can check out what I’ve been up to by going to my Food Diary or my Exercise Diary. You can toggle days and go back and review what I’ve been eating and lifting. One thing to keep in mind is that the app only tracks breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks. Since I’m eating about six times a day, I log a lot under snacks or double up on my meals – so lunch might show what I had for lunch and my 2pm meal. Overall, I like the app – especially for tracking diet. They have a ton of listings with nutrient and calorie breakdowns for everything I’ve tried so far, including my supplements and the restaurants I’ve eaten at. Their exercise tracking leaves a bit to be desired, as it is missing some exercises I do and in order to get a rough idea of caloric expenditure during lifting I have to log the time I spent weight training as cardio. Still, it’s a useful tool and I really like the calorie tracking throughout the day to help me see how much more I can eat before going over my goal. In the two weeks that I’ve been using it, I think I’ve only gone over my daily calorie goal once. Cheat day! 🙂

Oh, one other feature it is missing is a mechanism for tracking bodyfat percentages. I’ve discovered that the impedance machine I use at the gym can fluctuate two percent based on how long I’ve soaked in the hot tub. I have really dry soles of my feet, which don’t conduct electricity very well, so it’s really only good to get a relative idea of percentages, rather than absolute value. Tomorrow I shall go in and use it again (forgot to do it today) to see where I sit and what I’ve accomplished these past two weeks. My weight has dropped and is remaining pretty stable around 218, and my pants are getting a little looser, so I’m confident that I’m losing fat and gaining muscle.

The biggest thing I’m wrestling with is the desire to add mass and get cut at the same time. In order to add muscle, you have to eat more than you burn, but in order to lose fat you have to burn more than you eat. My thinking is that by maintaining a strongly anaerobic state as much as possible, through high protein intake and supplementation, I am adding muscle and shedding a little bit of fat at a time. I’ve done some research and it turns out that steady state, low intensity aerobics actually hampers anabolism, and that the best way to do cardio is to do High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT). These are shorter sessions, maybe 20-30 minutes, with intense, all-out efforts for 30 seconds to a minute, followed by two to five minutes of low intensity. Think sprint for a minute, walk for five, and repeat. I can tell from how much lactic acid is building up in my muscles during training that I really need to work on my cardio conditioning, so that’s going to be stepped up a notch next week. Depending on how my legs feel tomorrow morning, I may go back to Zumba and see if I can last longer than 20 minutes.

Food intake has been solid. I’m getting close to averaging 200 grams of protein a day – I had 240 yesterday and woke up today a pound heavier. Wouldn’t it be great if that was muscle growth!?! I’ve also cut out the Diet Coke. I used to drink maybe three liters of it a day, as I love the cold carbonation, but I’ve switched to flavored water. The water still has Sucralose, so it’s not perfect, but it’s a good transition and I’m finding I’m drinking more plain water now too.

Six weeks to San Diego, time to ramp up that fat burning and get this bod ready for the beach!

Apple Updates

Yesterday I had my second interview for a position with the Apple Retail Store. I met with the Store Leader Jill and a Marketing guy whose name I can’t remember. I arrived about five minutes early, checked in with one of the Specialists, and looked around the store while I waited for Jill.

As I was waiting, I noticed that Apple no longer displays software in the store – it’s all hardware now. The big graphics on the wall had been updated to include a couple beautiful shots of the iWatch, which is coming in April. As I took in the vibe of the store, I was greeted by Chris, one of the managers. He said that Jill would be along shortly and we chatted briefly before he went about his business.

After about ten minutes, Jill apporached with the Marketing guy. We said our introductions and she suggested we walk over to the neighboring Starbucks to have our interview. Having spent a hell of a lot of time at various Starbucks the past year, I felt reassured and confident that I’d be on home turf for our discussion.

The interview went well – it was a lot of “getting to know you” type questions, “Describe a time when you…” scenarios, and a general discussion to see if I’d be a good fit for Apple and, just as importantly, if Apple would be a good fit for me. I strode to put my best self forward, there was lots of smiling and eye contact, and I the process flew by. After about 30 minutes, we closed our conversations and Jill said that Nick, the HR guy, would be in contact in the next week or so to discuss next steps, if any. I am hopeful that things will continue to go well and that I make it to the next round. We shall see.

In the mean time, I finally decided to update my 2008 MacBook Pro’s operating system. I ordered Snow Leopard from the Apple Store and it was delivered last night. My internal DVD drive on my MacBook has been acting up, and unfortunately it wouldn’t load the OSX DVD I ordered. So I made an appointment for Monday at the Genius Bar at the Aspen Grove store to take it in and have the DVD issue diagnosed. Then I had a flash of inspiration – maybe Dick had an external drive I could use! Sure enough, he did. I plugged it in, inserted the DVD and began the update process.

I’m updating to Snow Leopard so I can update to the latest and greatest, Yosemite, which is free, but my old OS was so old I had to spend the (gasp) twenty bucks to have Snow Leopard sent to me. I’m really looking forward to checking out the new features of Yosemite and getting to know my Mac again. Now if only I had the desk space to hook up a keyboard and my 21-inch Cinema Display…

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